Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of to serve others God’s grace in its various forms. 1Peter 4:10
- Our History -
Our funder received his call to the service of God in 1996. Originally, the Colegio América Latina commissioned him to start a program for medical students that provides medical clinics in different rural communities with limited resources in Guatemala. It is there that he realized firsthand the difficulties faced by people who do not have adequate access to health services.
These experiences motivated him to look for long-term, sustainable solutions to address these types of problems. It was at that moment where he began his ministry and 13 years later he decided to form La Misión in 2009. This completely awakened the call of God and it was there that Fundación la Misión put itself at the service of the people and did something about it. for them. With the firm purpose of helping Guatemalans, it was decided to seek support from organizations and missionaries in the United States, who have accepted the Vision of believing in the Mission.
The central offices were installed in Guatemala City and currently, a solid work team has been formed with doctors, dentists, and a significant group of volunteers who are willing to serve God and the people of the country.
- Our Values -
Our Mission
To promote the integral development of the Guatemalan communities in need. guiding and empowering each individual. so they can know God and fulfill their purpose in their lives and communities.
Our Vision
We see communities and individuals transformed through the example of Jesus, learning principles and values from the Bible. through integral programs and then produce change to transform others